These are my silly scribbles and cartoons. Recently I’ve been developing more stuff, so I made this website.

I’ve been developing #cartoons and #drawing characters for years now. I’m open to commissions and developing #illustration projects and 2D #animations.

The worms first appeared in The Angling Times in a strip called Reel Life. Now they’re popping up in our gardens, this time as The Wrigglers to offer thoughtful tips on what to do in your #garden and down the #allotment … with a worm’s eye view.

Simon Fry, super small spy. Working with author K.A Worsley to illustrate a few images for the first novel, Diamond’s aren’t forever, I am now turning the second book in the series, The Codfather, into a #graphicnovel – I’m blogging the progress here, on Instagram, facebook and twitter. You can follow my progress and watch the videos as I draw the pages on my youtube channel

Pelican is just one of a new set of illustrated #cartoons I’m developing … I’ll add a page to the site as it develops.

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